LitRPG and Progression Fantasy I read in 2023

After doing mini-reviews for all the SPSFC3 contestants’ books I read, I felt like I was remiss to not be doing any for my own genre! This list includes only series that I started reading in 2023. So yes, of course I read the next Dungeon Crawler Carl and the conclusion of the Cradle series, […]

Great gifts that kids probably won’t ask for

                 It’s weird, these days. I’m generally grateful that my kids aren’t exposed to much advertising, but it becomes very noticeable around Christmastime. When I was a kid, I wanted lots of toys because advertisements had shown me what they did. Twenty years later, and I can still sing “Crossfire!” like the commercial. I […]

LitRPG and GameLit with great women

As a LitRPG author myself, I read a lot of work from the genre, and I think about it quite a bit too. One weakness of the genre is, sadly, women. It’s actually uncommon for women to be actively treated poorly by popular authors. Most authors – especially the successful ones – are nice people […]